Don't Miss this amazing opportunity to Understand (And fix) your blood sugars!

Get My 2 Blood Sugar Programs For The Price Of ONE! 


Are You Ready For...
 More Clarity And Certainty With What Your Blood Sugars Are Going To Do
 Understand WHY Blood Sugars Shift In Different Circumstances
 Learn From My 10+ Years Of Research Into My (And 131 Other Diabetic's) Blood Sugar Trends
 Deep Dives Into CGM Analytics And Patterns: Learn To Understand What The Numbers Actually Mean And What To Do With Them To Stay In Range Longer
  Peek Over Matt's Shoulder With "Whiteboard T1D Secret Sessions"
  Plus Learn How To Avoid The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster
 Unadvertised Bonus: How To Bolus For Pizza (And Other Added Masterclasses)
 Unadvertised Bonus: FREE Accelerator Call With Matt
Total Value: $3,400
$1997 $997 NOW
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Get The 4-Day Blood Sugar Fix AND The Blood Sugar M.A.P.  Now...

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ONE TIME OFFER - 70% OFF: Want me to ship you your very own physical copy of the Trending Health Journal that this program was created for AND lifetime access to the NEW audio book files for 70% OFF? (I'll also throw in a secret BONUS!) *** Click YES to add this to your order now for just a single payment of $39.99! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Blood Sugar M.A.P. Course
FAQ: You mention finding patterns in my blood sugar, what if I don’t have any?
      Answer: The Blood Sugar M.A.P. was created for T1Ds that couldn’t find any patterns. So what this program does is help you FIND the patterns that don’t seem to be there.
FAQ: Will I be able to use this with or without a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor)?
      Answer: With it or without a CGM, you can still predict your blood sugar with the Blood Sugar M.A.P. program. Although I will admit having a CGM will make it easier… but it’s not a requirement to get amazing results with the Blood Sugar M.A.P.
FAQ: Will I be able to benefit from this program if I already have 60% or more time in range?
      Answer: You could have 90% time in range and still get 100% of the value the Blood Sugar M.A.P. offers… Inside, you’ll learn how to adjust what you are already doing well, but taking it to a whole new level by understanding how your body reacts to every type of blood sugar variable.
FAQ: Will this give me a better way to eat and manage blood sugar?
      Answer: The goal of the Blood Sugar M.A.P. is designed so you don’t have to change anything you don’t want to. The last thing you will have to do is change your lifestyle or diet “because of diabetes”. The Blood Sugar M.A.P. will help you perfect blood sugar without dramatically changing the way you live.
FAQ: What if I don’t learn anything after I purchase the Blood Sugar M.A.P.?
      Answer: I have had thousands of customers and I have NEVER heard that they learned absolutely nothing. But just in case you do learn something, but it doesn’t work, you have 30 days to get your money back. All you have to do is meet up with me and tell me what happened and I’ll honor your request for a refund.
FAQ: Has anyone gotten 100% time in range after learning what’s inside the Blood Sugar M.A.P.?
      Answer: First off, I want to say that being 100% time in range is not an easy thing to do. However, the methods you will learn when you purchase the Blood Sugar M.A.P. have allowed clients to go from 40-50% time in range to 85-90% on average. Another client, Sherry, went from 40% time in range to 100% for one week straight! So is it possible? Yes.

FAQ: If I’m 64, will I still be able achieve more time in range with the Blood Sugar M.A.P.?
      Answer: It doesn’t matter how old you are. You can be 97 or have a child with T1D that’s 7 and still achieve more time in range. Inside, there isn’t just one way to have more time in range… You’ll learn everything there is to know about your blood sugar so you can eat and do what you want without having to change your lifestyle.
FAQ: What if I don’t have $997 to invest into my health right now?

      Answer: If for whatever reason you don’t have access to $997 right now, but you are the kind of person that takes action, we added a 2-pay option for you of $500

Just 1 Payment of $997 Today!
(Or 2 Payments of $500) ©2021+ All Rights Reserved